Take a good look at the specs across the epic range of Vsett scooters

Vsett scooters have been created with the details in mind. Details that make a real-world difference to the quality of the ownership and riding experience.

Folding handlebars appear across the range, improving portability and making for easy storage (except for the mighty V11+, nobody is pretending that is a portable scooter!)

Indicators for safe signalling appear on all models, even the baby V8. Don’t ever take your hands off the handlebars when riding, it invites disaster!)

Security electronic keys appear on all models, and there are 2 spares. There’s no starting these scooters without one. Extra safety to help you keep hold of it (although we still recommend using a sturdy lock. These are objects of desire).

All VSETT e-scooters are IP54 rated, meaning they are resistant to showers and splashes, so ride on in the rain if you dare! Be aware though that wet roads are slippery roads, and avoid water where you can. These are not submersibles!

VSETT models in New Zealand are specially selected with the perfect battery match to the scooter size and performance. Alternative battery options are available by special order through your retailer.

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